速報APP / 健康塑身 / Homeovitality Recommender

Homeovitality Recommender





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




Homeovitality Recommender(圖1)-速報App

Homeovitality is an entirely new concept in health promotion. It has been developed as a safe and natural way to help everyone to achieve nature's "super-health" and stay healthy. It is based entirely on the proven principles of Dr. Bernard Marichal's gene targeting technology. Homeovitality remedies are drug-free, side-effect free and supported by science.

Homeovitality Recommender(圖2)-速報App

With the Homeovitality Recommender, you can easily find Homeovitality remedies by simply selecting your age, gender and then specifying which conditions you're looking to get help with. We'll then present you with some recommendations suited to your needs, securely and quickly. You can view remedy details within the app.

Homeovitality Recommender(圖3)-速報App

What's more is that you can save recommendations for later and quickly access them again, at a time convenient to you in order to buy our products.

Homeovitality Recommender(圖4)-速報App

We strongly believe in privacy and as such your data never leaves your device. All recommendations are worked out locally on your phone or tablet. In addition to this, use of this application (and our website) signifies your agreement to our terms & conditions, our privacy policy and dislcaimer, all of which can be found on our website: www.homeovitality.com

Homeovitality Recommender(圖5)-速報App

Permission details:

Homeovitality Recommender(圖6)-速報App

Internet: used to download images used within the app and to keep the app up to date

Network state: used for geolocation in order to display different content in different regions.

We do not store any data of any kind anywhere on our servers whilst you use this app.